Suzan Hughes is an acclaimed entrepreneur, activist, health advocate, and philanthropist with more than thirty years of experience in business and philanthropy. Her dedication to children has garnered numerous awards and honors during this time.
After experiencing childhood hardship, she founded her first company in 1980 and used its lessons to grow Herbalife into a billion dollar-a-year empire. Later she created and perfected Rollermax - now used worldwide by gyms and fitness professionals - while writing, producing and staring in Take 10 to a Better You exercise video which donated part of its sales proceeds toward child advocacy programs.
In 1994, she established the Herbalife Family Foundation which has raised millions for various charitable organizations like A Place Called Home, Alliance for Children's Rights, School on Wheels Fulfillment Fund and Casa Herbalife Kitchen which offers nutritious meals to needy families in its service area.
She has distinguished herself in several areas of public activism, such as combatting smoking and encouraging healthy lifestyles among children. Additionally, she is an accomplished speaker having given lectures ranging from women's health issues to spiritual wellness in daily life. Furthermore, she has appeared at movie premieres such as Seth Rogan's Neighbors and Jim Carrey's Dumb and Dumber To.